Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Our approach
Kinnarps is committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within its business. We always work to the highest professional standards and comply with all laws, regulations and rules relevant to our business. We expect high standards from those we work with and are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains.
We have processes and policies in place as well as use well established, reputable partners and conduct quarterly reviews.
We set requirements for all our suppliers through our Supplier Code of Conduct on our Supply Chain. In it, we make clear what expectations and requirements we have in connection with social responsibility. The Code is based on the UN Global Compact. The Supplier Code of Conduct includes requirements concerning e.g. human rights and forces labour. Then we carry out a risk assessment of the suppliers. This is based on the manufacturing process, industry knowledge and the country where the production is located. In cases where we judge that there is a greater risk of the requirements in our code not being fulfilled, we carry out an audit on site at the supplier's premises. Audits are also carried out for all new suppliers. The on-site audit results in a report. If discrepancies are identified during a supplier audit, the supplier draws up an action plan to rectify the discrepancy. The supplier's action is then followed up through evidence and verifications or on-site visits.
Our code of conduct describes our principles in the areas of human rights, labour rights, environmental practice and anti-corruption. The code is based on the company's core values and the UN's Global Compact. All units and employees in the Group are obliged to respect and follow the code of conduct. Kinnarps want to have an open corporate culture where everyone feels safe to speak up when problems are discovered. On suspicion of irregularities or deviations from the Code of Conduct this shall be reported. Primarily, these suspicions are raised with the nearest manager. We have a whistle-blower system which enables employees to anonymously report breaches of the code without fear of reprisals. Identified breaches of reports filed through the whistleblowing system is received and handled confidentially by the central crisis management team. The crisis management team initiates necessary investigations and actions or directs the case to the right decision maker in the organisation.
All of our employees receive Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness training and this also forms part of the Induction process for new starters.
To date we have not been made aware of any human trafficking/slavery activities within the supply chain but if any were highlighted to us then we would act immediately in accordance with our legal and moral obligations.